TurboJET provides services between Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen, all located around the Pearl River Delta in southern China. The route between Hong Kong and Macau is the busiest and is operating 24 hours a day. It takes approximately one hour to travel the 60-km journey on TurboJET's high speed vessels.
TurboJET is the world's largest operator of Boeing's Jetfoils.
TurboJET's fleet includes seven types of vessels, with one of the types rented from other company:
Bought vessels
*FoilCat : 35m length, 561 tonnes, 423 passengers catamaran hydrofoil. Propelled by s powered by twin General Electric LM500 gas turbines. Maximum speed at 50 knots. Built by Norwegian specialists Kvaerner Fjellstrand, Norway.
*FlyingCat : 40m length, 479 tonnes, 303 passengers catamaran. Propelled by waterjets powered by twin diesel engines, rated at 2000kW each. Cruising speed at 35 knots. Built by Norwegian specialists Kvaerner Fjellstrand, Norway.
*TriCat : 47.45m length, 602 tonnes, 328/333 passengers catamaran. Propelled by waterjets powered by twin gas turbines. Cruising speed at 45 knots, capable of 52 knots. Built by of the United Kingdom.
*: 24.44m length, 267 tonnes, 225/240/243 passengers monohull hydrofoil. Propelled by waterjets powered by twin gas turbines. Maximum speed at 45 knots. Built by Boeing.
*PS-30: 27.8m length, 303 tonnes, 260 passengers monohull hydrofoil. Propelled by waterjets powered by twin Rolls Royce Allison 501KF gas turbines. Maximum speed at 45 knots. Built by Shanghai Simno marine Limited, under licenses from Boeing.
*Austal 48: 47.5m length, 55.8 tonnes, 418 passengers cartamaran. Propelled by waterjets powered by quadruple diesel engines, rated at 2320kW each. Cruising speed at 42.5 knots. Built by Austal Shipyard of Australia.
Rented vessels
*Wavemaster SuperFast 39m: 39m length, 300 passengers cartamaran. Propelled by waterjets powered by twin diesel engines, rated at 1580kW each. Maximum speed at 36 knots. Built by Wavemaster International Proprietary Limited Company.
*Wavemaster SuperFast 48m: 48m length, 385 passengers cartamaran. Propelled by waterjets powered by twin diesel engines, rated at 1960kW each. Maximum speed at 48 knots. Built by Wavemaster International Proprietary Limited Company.
1 comment:
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